Magic Hat, Higham Place #3-5 Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8AF
Taking place at Newcastle's first food surplus focussed cafe, Magic Hat, the Business with Impact Dinner aims to bring like-minded North East businesses together. We will share ideas, tackle the big issues and facilitate connections to empower us all to make more of an impact through our businesses.
Join us for a Spring Wellbeing Walk at the wonderful Rising Sun Country Park. This is an opportunity to step outside of the office, get some fresh air, and network with others. We’ll take a gentle stroll around the country park, take in the nature reserve and see the great work going on in the visitor’s centre and on the organic farm, including an opportunity for you to purchase some tasty treats from the fabulous artisan bakery ‘Earth & Fire’.
This bi-monthly forum is your opportunity to join like-minded North East organisations in exploring how businesses can thrive by aligning purpose with sustainable development. Together, we’ll tackle current societal challenges and discover actionable strategies to support people, planet, and profit.
From global to local - how any company can increase their CSR impact
Jun 10, 2025
The Biscuit Factory, 16 Stoddart Street Shieldfield NE2 1AN
The event is curated by Children's Cancer North, a North East charity whose aim is to make life better for children with cancer and is developed in partnership with Venture Zero who help organisations have a positive impact on their people, planet, and profitability by developing socially and environmentally connected workplaces.